Page 8 - Berita Sunway - Issue 67
P. 8
Sunway Group is leading the way with sustainable waste initiatives
From food scraps and clothes that are discarded Responsible Consumption and Production.
into the rubbish bins to used cooking oil poured SDG 12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption
down the sinks, improperly disposed waste has and production patterns through various targets
serious implications on our health, the environment — substantially reducing waste generation through
and our community. prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse; reducing
These poorly managed waste can destroy global food waste at the retail and consumer levels,
marine life, disrupt water supply, pose dangerous and reduce food losses along production and
living conditions for at-risk communities, and supply chains.
generate more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Malaysians generate more than 38,000 tonnes
of waste daily, contributing a total of 3.1 mil tonnes
of solid waste to the landfills in 2018.
According to the World Bank’s ‘What a Waste
2.0’ 2018 report, only 13.5% of global waste is
recycled and only 5.5% is composted — a third of
the global waste is improperly managed by being
dumped or openly burned.
In line with its commitment to the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
and its #SunwayforGood movement towards
building a sustainable environment, economy and
society, Sunway Group is leading the way with its
sustainable waste initiatives aligned with SDG 12 of
In November, Sunway Hotels & Resorts signed a partnership drains from getting clogged up due to fats build-up. It also
with FatHopes Energy to recycle its used cooking oil into helps the environment by reducing reliance on fossil fuels in the
biodiesel. transport sector, which limits GHG emissions. "By partnering
Under the initiative, more than 50% of the used cooking with FatHopes Energy, we are assured of not only the conversion
oil generated by the Group’s six participating hotels would of the used cooking oil into an ecologically beneficial energy
be collected by FatHopes Energy every week at the hotels’ stream but also to the environment, which has become a priority
respective collection centres. FatHopes Energy then recycles the to the business while being mindful towards the efficiency of our
oil, converting it into biodiesel. operations and stakeholders value," said Colin Yeoh, Sunway
Recycling used cooking oil prevents the sewage lines and Hotels & Resorts Group Director of Food & Beverage.