Page 7 - Berita Sunway - Issue 74
P. 7

From the Chairman’s Desk

             But thanks to the hard work, dedication and      Advancing the sustainability agenda is   and  demonstrating  daily  that  we  care  and
          resilience of our people, the Group overcame   very much part of this mission.   We have fully   listen.  It reminds us that no matter how much
          various obstacles and achieved respectable results.   embraced the 17 Sustainable Development   we think we know, we still have a lot more
          We won many accolades and awards, as well as   Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.    to learn.
          launched numerous successful business ventures,   These goals are integrated into our business      Excellence is about delivering high-quality
          collaborations and initiatives throughout 2021.  practices and decision-making processes.  products and services in whatever sector we
             We saw the first Health Innovation Hub      Our latest contribution to this effort is   are engaged in. It is about always pursuing the
          established  in Malaysia  through a partnership   the establishment of the Sunway Centre for   highest standards and quality in all that we do.
          between Sunway University and AstraZeneca.    Planetary Health.  Under the able leadership      These values have contributed to the
          This joint initiative is empowering start-ups   of  Tan  Sri  Prof  Dr.  Jemilah  Mahmood,  this   continued growth and success of Sunway, and
          to innovate, scale and deliver health solutions   Centre will work with our existing institutions   upholding  them  will  continue  to keep  us  on
          in the region, bolstering the treatment of non-  at Sunway University to holistically advance the   the right track in the years to come, and as we
          communicable diseases and enhance patient   sustainability agenda across the region.  celebrate our 50-year milestone in 2024.
          experience at the primary-care level.     As a regional champion of the sustainability      I also believe that each of us should have a
             We  also  ramped  up  our  retail  pharma   agenda, Sunway University also hosts the   higher purpose in life. In my case, that purpose is
          presence through the acquisition of Multicare   Asia headquarters of the UN Sustainable   to give back to society and contribute to nation-
          Pharmacy. Together with Sunway Pharmacy, the   Development Solutions Network (UN-SDSN).   building in a meaningful way.
          Group (Sunway Multicare Pharmacy) is now      Everything we do here is guided by the      My personal motto, as most of you know,
          among the leading market players in the country.  concept of sustainable development, and I am   is “I aspire to inspire before I expire,” and the
             And we had Singapore’s sovereign wealth   confident that we are on the right path with our   best way to inspire is by not just doing the right
          fund GIC investing RM750 million in Sunway   sustainability-driven strategies.  things, but doing things right.
          Healthcare Group, validating our confidence in                             Let us uphold our Group’s values
          our healthcare division’s prospect and the long-                        and  together achieve  the goals we  are all
          term potential of Malaysia’s healthcare industry.  We are taking        committed to.
             There were many other notable achievements                              We are all in this together.
          of course, too many to list them all here, and   our commitment to
          although the pandemic has obviously impacted   sustainability one step   Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO
          our efforts to execute some of our existing plans,                      Founder and Chairman
          I am sure that we will emerge from this pandemic   further this year by   Sunway Group
          stronger and better.                   pledging to achieve Net
             Sunway is here to stay and grow.
             Over the past four decades, we have   Zero carbon emissions
          grown into one of Southeast Asia’s leading     by 2050.
          conglomerates, operating with a staff strength of
          16,000 across 50 locations.
             One of the factors that contributed to      The world does not have any time to waste
          our success thus far is a corporate culture that   if we are to avoid climate disaster.
          prioritises meritocracy and diversity.      The recent report by the UN
             By striving to always hire the best person for   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
          each  role,  irrespective  of  race,  gender,  religion   issued a blunt warning that the planet is at a
          or age, Sunway is well-positioned to continue   tipping point. The UN Secretary-General called
          winning the war for talent.         the report a Code Red for Humanity.
             In an age of disruption, our competition will      It is my hope that our example will motivate
          no longer just be from traditional competitors,   other major corporations in the region to adopt
          but the challenge could come from anywhere,   the sustainability agenda.
          with some new start-ups suddenly overturning      Over the years, three core values have served
          an entire industry’s business model.  us well at Sunway particularly in times when we
             Therefore, we must be more agile,   faced a major crisis.  These values have guided
          continuously  learn  and  constantly  reinvent   me, not only in my professional career, but in
          ourselves to stay relevant.  We cannot overcome   my personal life as well.
          the challenges of the digital era with an analogue      They are Integrity, Humility and Excellence.
          mind set.                           Integrity is about conducting ourselves with
             As a business, the bottom-line matters,    honesty and trustworthiness at all times.
          of course.                          It is about being professional, ethical and honest.
             But as an organisation dedicated to building   It is not just about doing the right thing, but also
          a better world, we must embrace a purpose   doing things the right way.
          beyond profits if it is to make a difference in the      Humility reminds us to be humble, polite
          community, society and the world.   and respectful. It is about displaying empathy,

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