Page 6 - Berita Sunway - Issue 74
P. 6
From the Chairman’s Desk
Chairman's Message 2022
Happy New Year! our “Sunway Heroes” who rose to the occasion continue to be our top priority.
At Sunway, health, safety and well-being will
I am also deeply humbled and very proud of
I trust many of you took the opportunity to and came together across racial and religious Sunway has committed close to RM60
spend some quality time with your loved ones lines to help our fellow Malaysians in their time million thus far in the battle against COVID-19.
during the holidays. of need. A major aspect of our contribution was
And I hope you had a good break and are The true spirit of Sunway shone through offering the government four of our facilities for
now ready to take on 2022 and the challenges and your efforts reaffirm our belief that no free, totalling close to 200,000 square feet, to be
ahead. As you are aware, the final weeks of 2021 corporation can live apart from the communities used as vaccination centres over 12 months.
were challenging for many parts of the country, it serves. These efforts formed part of our Corporate
where days of unrelenting torrential rains led to Your selfless efforts, and those of our other Responsibility initiatives in 2021 that were
one of the worst floods in recent memory. colleagues at Sunway time and again, are shining recognised with four significant CSR awards
Our business divisions immediately examples of how we can come together to create within a year, which was the first time in the
mobilised to provide medical aid, meals donation a brighter, inclusive and sustainable future for all history of the Sunway brand. These accolades
and even temporary accommodation, among under the Malaysian sun. are a strong testament to our efforts in uplifting
others, to flood victims. I wish to express my For the second year in a row, just as economies communities nationwide.
deepest and heartfelt gratitude to all involved in and borders were gradually reopening, a new and Vaccines offer the best route out of this
our on-going relief efforts with our partners on more potent COVID-19 variant emerged. pandemic yet. With the immunisation
the ground. Omicron and other variants remain a programme now expanding to cover those
I am aware that some members of the Sunway formidable public health threat and continues under-18 years of age and booster shots, we
family are affected by the floods too. You have to disrupt individual lives and livelihoods. will continue to play our part in supporting the
my word that we will do everything we can to After almost two years in a war with an vaccination efforts.
help you recover and rebuild. invisible enemy, much is still unknown and It has been, and continues to be, a
nobody can predict with certainty how the challenging period for most industries and the
pandemic will end. overall economy.