Page 14 - Berita Sunway - Issue 71
P. 14

                                  ELIVERING THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                he  year  2020  had  been  a   Sunway Malls was the first mall to introduce a   DIGITAL INTEGRATION: A
                challenging one for retailers,  with   parking guiding system, a wireless alarm system in   DELICATE BALANCE
                the  Malaysia Retailers  Association   the carpark, a mobile app for navigation and most
        T (MRA) describing the first half of the   recently, the Licence Plate Registration system for   The pandemic has accelerated the pace of
        year as the worst period for retailers since 1987.   cashless and ticketless parking.   digitalisation, but businesses are still trying to find
                                                                                   that balance between digitalisation and physical
        The  government’s  bid  to  stem  the  spread  of  the   Sunway Malls’ digital transformation plan   interaction, Chan said. “Digitalisation is an
        COVID-19 pandemic with the Movement Control   involves six broad areas – Shopper Management,   important facet but the need for physical interaction
        Order (MCO) in March last year has had devastating   Shopper Experience, online-to-offline  (O2O),   and socialisation must also be considered especially
        effects on retail sales.              Tenant Mix Management, Trade Mix Management   so for these industries, such as retail,” he said.
                                              and Mall Health. There are also sub-categories such
        Reduced tourist arrivals, lower footfall at   as Customer Relationship Management, Point of   During the MCO, Sunway Malls launched
        shopping malls, and retailers operating at a lower   Sales, Footfall Tracking and Big Data Analysis.  technological initiatives to prepare for the eventual
        capacity due to social distancing measures has led                         reopening of malls. Among them include digital
        to an estimated 51,000 stores, or 15% of Malaysia’s   “Digital transformation for us means providing   thermal scanners at mall entrances and the ‘order
        total retail supply, to shutter from the beginning of   convenience and delivering experiential   and collect’ service where customers could pick up
        MCO in March 2020 to January this year.  consumption to our stakeholders, to build   items that were purchased online. Sunway Pyramid
                                              relationship and loyalty by increasing   collaborated with logistics delivery provider Mat
        Going digital is no longer an option for   productivity, efficiency and curated experiences.   Despatch to open a temporary online store while
        retailers, as a growing number of consumers have   Digital transformation bridges the divide   Sunway Velocity Mall deployed a Facebook store to
        shifted to online shopping during the pandemic.   between us and stakeholders so we can deliver to   assist business partners and tenants with an online
                                              their expectations,” said Sunway Malls and Theme   presence.
        Fortunately for Sunway Malls, the group has always   Parks CEO HC Chan.
        been ahead of the curve, embarking on a digital                            The  aim  of  digitalisation  is  to  create  a  more
        transformation process as far back as a decade ago.                        convenient, efficient, and safer environment for
                                                                                   shoppers, said Chan.

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