Page 5 - Berita Sunway - Issue 76
P. 5


 Sunway University has been ranked the top private university
 Sunway Berhad made history as the  rst Malaysian company   in Malaysia by the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact
 to win Gold under the Sustainability Reporting category at the   Rankings 2022 for social and economic impact based on the
 Australasian  Reporting  Awards  (ARA) 2022, in  recognition   United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs).
 of Sunway’s commitment towards overall excellence in   Sunway University moved up to the overall Top 301+ position
 sustainability reporting.  out  of  1,406  international  institutions assessed  worldwide.
  e university was included within the Top 200 mark for
 Meanwhile, Sunway Construction clinched Silver in the   SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 8 (Decent Work
 General Award category, in recognition of its clear and concise   and  Economic  Growth), and SDG  17  (Partnership for
 annual reports, as well as balanced reports.  the Goals).
                                    WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION                     CHAMPIONING SUSTAINABILITY
  e ARA wins re ect Sunway’s dedication towards sustainable   Sunway University also scored well in SDG 7 (A ordable
 value creation for all stakeholders through strategic and   and Clean Energy) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and   Sunway University has been named one of the world’s top  Sunway clinched two accolades at the Sustainability & CSR
 e ective reporting practices.  Communities).  universities for two subjects, according to the 2022 QS World  Malaysia Awards 2022, namely Company of the Year in
                             University Rankings, which compares the performance of  recognition of its excellent national COVID-19 initiatives,
 FOSTERING STRONG BILATERAL   15,200 individual university programmes o ered at more than  and Long-Standing Excellence in Sustainability Award for
                             1,500 universities worldwide.
                                                                          continuously giving back to the local community.
                             Sunway University’s Hospitality & Leisure Management  From 2015 to 2020, #SunwayforGood has touched the lives of
 HARNESSING TECHNOLOGY   Sunway University recently won two awards at the British   ranked in the Top 101-150 while Business & Management  over half a million bene ciaries, with Sunway aiming to
 FOR EXCELLENT PATIENT CARE   Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) Business   Studies achieved the Top 451-500 spot.   positively impact millions more, leading up to our 50-year
 Excellence Awards 2022.                                                  milestone in 2024. Currently, around 90% of Sunway’s
                             In the QS World University Rankings 2023, Sunway  employees have registered as CSR volunteers under the
 Sunway  Medical  Centre  (SMC)  at  Sunway  City Kuala   University emerged within the Top 601-650 band – rising  #SunwayforGood umbrella.
 Lumpur was named Malaysia’s Hospital of the Year and Smart    e Sunway University-AstraZeneca partnership won the   from its previous Top 651-700 position, in recognition of
 Hospital Initiative of the Year while Sunway Fertility Centre   “UK-Malaysia Partnership of the Year” award, while the   the university’s commitment to growth and improving the  At the inaugural  e Edge ESG Awards 2022, Sunway took
 (SFC) won the Fertility Patient Experience Initiative of the   Sunway University-Lancaster University partnership was   quality  of  teaching, research,  facilities  and  international  home the biggest and most coveted Long Term Achiever
 Year (Malaysia) award, at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022.  conferred the inaugural UK-Malaysia Education Institutional   research collaborations.
 Partnership award.                                                       Award in recognition of its outstanding ESG performance
                                                                          among the public listed companies in Malaysia.
 During Malaysia’s National COVID-19 Immunisation
 Programme in 2021, SMC administered over 350,000 doses   Sunway University in collaboration with AstraZeneca had
 and allocated around 10% of its operating beds for   launched the  rst Health Innovation Hub in Malaysia,   HERCULEAN EFFORT FOR   PINNACLE OF MANAGEMENT
 COVID-19 patients. It also introduced the TeleMedicine   empowering local  start-ups and innovators  to deliver  digital   FOOD SECURITY   AND INNOVATION
 Command Centre, Malaysia’s  rst 24/7 free healthcare   solutions complementing the treatment of non-communicable
 hotline.  diseases (NCDs).
                              e #SunwayforGood Food Bank programme made its mark  Sunway Group was named among Malaysia’s Best Managed
 Meanwhile, SFC’s Patient Services team was recognised    e UK-Malaysia Education Institutional Partnership award   in the Malaysia Book of Records as the largest food bank drive  Companies by Deloitte Private for the second consecutive year
 for introducing a dedicated 24-hour Patient Careline.  recognised the Sunway-Lancaster partnership as among the   hosted by a conglomerate.  since 2021.   e award win is testament to Sunway’s consistent
 world’s most successful transnational higher education                   drive to innovate, and commitment to building ecosystems of
 partnerships.               Since its launch in 2017, the initiative has contributed more  excellence throughout the organisation.
                             than 180,000 kilogrammes of food to bene ciaries nationwide,
                             via partnerships with Malaysian Red Crescent Society  Sunway took home two coveted awards at  e Edge Billion
                             (MRCS), Selangor Youth Community (SAY), Yayasan  Ringgit Club 2022 across the Industrial Products & Services as
                             Kebajikan Negara (YKN), Development of Human Resources  well as Construction categories.
                             for Rural Areas Malaysia (DHRRA Malaysia), the Food Aid
                             Foundation,  e Lost Food Project (TLFP) and FFM Berhad. Sunway Berhad and Sunway Construction are among the top
                                                                          Malaysian companies that have been recognised for innovating
                                                                          and transforming to deliver excellence to stakeholders and the
                                                                          community at large even during times of crisis.
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