Page 17 - Berita Sunway - Issue 76
P. 17


                                                                          With more than half of the world’s population currently
                                                                          living in urban spaces, smart cities are no longer an option
 REVVING UP THE SUSTAINABLE                                               if the world is to achieve net zero carbon emissions – it
                                                                          must be the standard moving forward.
 AUTOMOTIV                                                                Based on the International Energy Agency’s (IEA)

                                                                          ‘Empowering Cities for a Net Zero Future’ report, cities
                                                                          consume two-thirds of global energy and generate more
                                                                          than 70% of annual global carbon emissions.
 ECOSYSTEM  POWERING                                                      With an estimated 27.3 million, or more than 70%

                                                                          Malaysians, living in urban areas by 2025, the Malaysian
                                                                          government believes that smart cities are key to addressing
                                                                          urbanisation issues.

 ACCELERATING AUTOMOTIVE   SMART CITIES                                   Besides promoting economic growth as well as improving
 SUSTAINABILITY  FOR A                                                    the quality of life, people and planet, smart cities will also
                                                                          contribute to Malaysia’s goal of becoming a carbon neutral
 Sunway Innovation Labs (iLabs) has announced its partnership             nation by 2050.
 with  Carsome,  Southeast  Asia’s  largest  integrated  car
 e-commerce platform, to launch Carsome Mobility Lab – the
  rst automotive ecosystem focused accelerator programme in

  e launch aims to support global tech start-ups in delivering
 sustainable solutions in Carsome’s markets – Malaysia,
 Singapore, Indonesia and  ailand.
 Under the Carsome Mobility Lab, US$150,000 (RM668,550)
 of funding  will be available for  up to six selected  start-ups,
 along with mentorship and partnership opportunities through
 More than a century has passed since German   Sunway and Carsome’s network of entrepreneurs, venture
 automotive engineer Karl Benz introduced the  rst   capitalists, corporations and industry leaders.
 gasoline-powered car in 1886.
  e shortlisted start-ups can also connect with Sunway’s 13
 Since then, cars have become ubiquitous in modern   business divisions across Sunway City Kuala Lumpur (SCKL),   ACCELERATING SUSTAINABLE
 society, with the global number of cars estimated to   as well as Sunway’s extensive funding ecosystem, which   SMART CITY SOLUTIONS
 reach two billion by 2040 – according to the World   includes Orbit Malaysia, SunSEA Capital, Gobi Partners and
 Economic Forum, citing  ndings from a report by US    e  HIVE SEA  for  potential funding  and  investment   Sunway iLabs recently established a partnership with  government agency
 research and brokerage  rm Bernstein.  opportunities.        Malaysia Research Accelerator for  Technology & Innovation (MRANTI) to
 To date, Sunway                                              introduce a smart city sandbox through the National Technology & Innovation
 While transportation systems are critical for the social   SCKL embodies a living laboratory, bridging experts to   Sandbox (NTIS) initiative.
 and economic growth of countries, the environmental   has invested over   generate and test sustainable solutions that are relevant for
 cost globally is exorbitant.    future urban spaces, for the betterment of all.  NTIS allows researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs to test their products and
 RM200 million                                                services in a live environment and qualify for grants to bring products and
 Based on the United Nations Environment Programme   To date, Sunway has invested over RM200 million in start-ups   services to market via Sunway’s global network of partners.
 (UNEP), transportation accounts for a quarter of the   in start-ups and   and venture-building.
 world’s greenhouse gas emissions.                             is is how Sunway City Kuala Lumpur (SCKL) as a living laboratory comes
 venture-building.   “We are excited to work with a successful unicorn like Carsome   into play. With “smart cities” as one of the six key verticals, the city has become
 In Malaysia, the transportation sector utilises 40% of   that is contributing to Malaysia and Southeast Asia's growth in   a test bed for researchers, experts and academia to generate sustainable real-world
 the  nal energy – total energy consumed by end-users –   the tech scene. We remain committed to enabling businesses to   “We are constantly looking out for transformative solutions   solutions for the betterment of all.
 and contributes to approximately 30% of the country’s   develop greater local innovations as part of our commitment   and working with start-ups, businesses and individuals to test
 greenhouse  gas  emissions, according  to  Malaysia’s   to  nation-building  and  advancing the  17  United Nations   their solutions in our living lab to gain real feedback.  e    e smart city sandbox will focus on technologies in the  eld of sustainability
 Transport Ministry.    Sustainable Development Goals,” said Sunway Group chief   NTIS collaboration will open doors to create solutions that   data tools, technology investment for renewable energy and resource recovery,
 executive o cer of digital and strategic investments, Evan Cheah.  address societal problems and amplify our e orts in our   smart command centre, enhanced arti cial intelligence (AI) security systems,
 While the Malaysian government encourages low   commitment to nation-building and advancing the United   integrated property and facility management system.
 carbon mobility via energy-e cient vehicles and public   "With the networks, market, mentors and funding of Carsome   Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”
 transportation, private sector entities like Sunway are   and Sunway, the accelerator is a unique opportunity for tech   Sunway is committed towards actively engaging with entrepreneurs and bright
 similarly doing their part towards achieving net zero   entrepreneurs to build their businesses in the automotive   EVAN CHEAH  minds to develop sustainable solutions, as seen through our recent initiative – the
 carbon emissions by 2050.  industry,” said Sunway Group chief innovation o cer and   Sunway Group chief executive o cer   National Solutions Forum 2022, as well as various accelerator programmes and
 director of Sunway iLabs, Matt van Leeuwen.  of Digital and Strategic Investments  hackathons by Sunway iLabs.

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