Page 11 - Berita Sunway - Issue 76
P. 11


 LEADING THE NET ZERO WAY  Currently, Sunway has two townships and 33 buildings that   Sunway also shares its experience in
 have received green certi cations, while all developments in the   decarbonisation  with  suppliers  and
 Sunway has   Deeply committed to advancing the United Nations   Klang Valley are certi ed green. Recognised by Malaysia’s   tenants, with a green lease agreement for   “All businesses, regardless of
 been steadily   Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs), Sunway has   Green Building Index as the country’s  rst green integrated   the latter.
 township, Sunway City Kuala Lumpur is similarly deemed as a
 progressing   been steadily progressing towards its net zero goal of reducing   low-carbon city by the Ministry of   Demonstrating that sustainability starts   whether they need investments
 towards its net   45% of carbon emissions by 2050, by consistently maintaining   Environment and Water.   from the top, Sunway has listed climate   or not, should embark on this
 annual carbon intensity reduction targets of 3.5% to 5%.
 zero goal of   Sunway is also the  rst corporation in   change as well as ESG performances as part of its senior      [sustainability]   journey,
       management  performance  evaluations  and  key  performance
 reducing 45%   One of Sunway’s main thrusts in cutting emissions is  via   Malaysia and among the  rst in Southeast   indicators (KPIs) that are linked to remuneration.
 of carbon   transforming its portfolio of townships into low-carbon   Asia, to introduce an internal carbon pricing   ONG PANG YEN  because it is the right thing to
 sustainable cities [See ‘Greener, Sustainable Cities’ on Pages 6
 emissions   and 7].   framework into its businesses, a move aimed at    e KPIs are then cascaded to employees within the   Executive director of   do and it is a company’s path
       organisation, tracked and reported annually.
 incentivising business divisions to innovate and
 by 2050,   “ e 12th Malaysia Plan identi es green and resilient town    nd solutions to cut carbon emissions – or risk   Chairman’s O ce,   to stay relevant and
 by consistently   cities and townships as critical to transforming Malaysia into a   being penalised  nancially.  “When the government says it is committed to  carbon   Sunway Group
       neutrality  by 2050, we  aligned with the government’s
 maintaining annual   prosperous, inclusive and sustainable Malaysia in line with the   Companies that embrace sustainability are obligated to ensure   aspiration by establishing a roadmap to achieve net zero   sustainable as a business.”
 carbon intensity   Shared Prosperity Vision (WKB) 2030 and 2030 Agenda,”   every step  along their supply  chain  adopts  sustainability   carbon emissions by 2050,  because in order for the
 said Sunway Group executive director Sarena Cheah.
 reduction targets   practices too, said Sunway Group executive director of   government to deliver, it needs the participation of
 chairman’s o ce Ong Pang Yen.
       corporations and everyone in the nation,” said Ong.
 of 3.5% to 5%.  “As buildings generate nearly  40%  of  annual  global carbon
 emissions,  green buildings  are  ideally suited  to  help  ght   Addressing  Scope 3 carbon emissions – indirect GHG   He likens business survival and sustainability as two sides of
 climate change, and action in this decade is critical to capture   emissions from upstream and downstream activities –   the same coin.
 their mitigation potential,” said Cheah.  throughout the supply chain, Sunway introduced a   Carbon storage and capture  Investment in large-scale
                                                                                     renewable energy
 sustainable procurement policy in 2021 to
 Introduced in 2021, Sunway’s Green Building Policy outlines   highlight  sustainability  commitments  and
 the Group’s commitment towards developing all new   performance as an assessment criterion for suppliers.
 townships and buildings completed from 2025 onwards to be
 green-certi ed.  Sunway City Kuala Lumpur is similarly deemed as a low-carbon city by the Ministry of Environment and Water.

 “Sunway’s unique Build-Own-Operate
 (BOO) business model enables the

 company to discover solutions across
 the entire real state value chain and

 bring them to the market.”

 Executive director,
 Sunway Group  05

 04  Build-
 BUILD  (BOO)  02


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