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Making Traditional Chinese Medicine
Safe for All
東 Regarding the toxicity of certain herbs and minerals used in
traditional Chinese medicine remedies, Dr. Lim said that the
Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) takes a safer approach
by prohibiting them altogether.
“Registration of a traditional product with MOH is among the
most challenging compared to other countries in the region.
西 西 e existing rules and regulations safeguard the quality and
authentication of herbal products,” he said.
XI At Sunway TCM Centre, herbs are processed by
cGMP-certi ed, Taiwanese halal-certi ed manufacturers using
the latest Japan technology. Each batch of herbs comes with a
certi cate of analysis to ensure its safety and quality.
Current herbal treatments are also convenient and easy to
prepare, as patients only need to mix pre-packed herbal
powder with warm water for consumption.
Complementary Role in
Modern Medicine
Sunway’s Growing
Dr. Lim, who specialises in integrative oncology, believes that Traditional Chinese Medicine Footprint
traditional Chinese medicine has a complementary role to play
when it comes to conventional medicine. During the Movement Control Order in 2020, Sunway TCM
Centre o ered free COVID-19 teleconsultation service to over
“Some patients come to me hoping to get an alternative to 500 COVID-19 patients.
From tai chi and acupuncture, to balancing the body’s yin and According to the traditional Chinese medicine philosophy, conventional medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine should
yang through herbal remedies – these are some of the a type of energy called “qi” ows through the body in pathways not be an alternative to delay modern medicine, especially in Patients’ symptoms resolved more quickly after undergoing
traditional Chinese medicine practices that have been around called meridians. Imbalance in “qi” potentially leads to health cancer management, where there are many treatments available traditional Chinese medicine treatment, said Dr. Lim.
for over 2,000 years and continue to be relevant today. problems or illnesses, so traditional Chinese medicine with good outcomes especially if treated early. Traditional
addresses imbalances within the body to promote mental and Catering to the rising demand for traditional Chinese medicine
Recognising its importance in integrated healthcare, the World physical wellbeing. Chinese medicine can be complementary – used before, during locally, Sunway launched its second Sunway TCM Centre in
Health Organization (WHO) included traditional Chinese and after Western treatments,” he explained. Kuching in January.
medicine in the 11th revision of the International Statistical Besides Malaysians’ strong cultural a nity towards traditional Due to its holistic nature, traditional Chinese medicine can
Classi cation of Diseases and Related Health Problems and complementary medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is play a larger role in the healthcare of cancer patients who have Meanwhile, the Sunway TCM Centre in Sunway Geo will be
(ICD-11) – a global compendium of health conditions and becoming increasingly popular as its remedies are perceived to limited cancer treatment options due to constraints such as age expanded this year, with more consultation suites added and
treatments. be safer for consumption due to its naturally derived and existing medical conditions. more traditional and complementary medicine practitioners
ingredients, said Dr. Lim. with diverse specialisations.
“Traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine have e combination of acupuncture and physiotherapy can be
di erent philosophies but both work towards providing the “Traditional Chinese medicine is well-established in Malaysia used in rehabilitating stroke patients. With the long-term goal of establishing TCM Centres in every
best medical care to the patients. ICD-11 bridges both sides by due to proper documentation of its treatments and herbs. Sunway township across the nation, the Sunway TCM Centre
having a common language. e world is evolving, so we must Traditional Chinese Medicine has been gaining popularity “If you are indecisive of the available options, seek a registered is investing into the development of talent in the traditional
adopt ancient wisdom and adapt it to modern technologies beyond Chinese communities both locally and globally,” healthcare professional who understands both treatments to and complementary medicine industry, with plans to engage
and modern medicine to preserve the traditional Chinese he said. give you a second opinion, or seek your primary healthcare with the public and local universities for research and
medicine philosophy in today’s world,” said Sunway provider for advice,” he said. education training.
Traditional and Complementary Medicine Centre’s (Sunway “ e relevance of traditional Chinese medicine worldwide is
TCM Centre) medical director associate professor Dr. Lim evident, with internationally renowned hospitals such as John
Ren Jye. Hopkins Hospital in the US and University College
London Hospital in the UK now having specialised “Getting quali ed graduates with good clinical
departments on alternative medicine to training and knowledge is important to ensure the
A Shift towards Holistic Cures complement conventional healthcare,” sustainability of the traditional and complementary
said Dr. Lim. medicine industry. We need to actively contribute
Unlike modern medicine that focuses on treating speci c towards improving education, training, and research.
a ected organs or diseases, traditional Chinese medicine aims In countries such as Taiwan and With the combined e ort of traditional and
at strengthening the overall wellbeing of the individual, taking Australia, some traditional complementary medicine professionals, I believe
a holistic approach in prevention, treatment and maintenance Chinese medicine treatments such e orts will go far.”
of health. are covered under health
insurance, he added.
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