Page 14 - Berita-Sunway-75
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What is the most challenging What is the best management
part of your job? advice you’ve received?
Danial: Being part of the Sunway Education Group (SEG) Danial: “Knowledge is a trust. Don’t just keep it to yourself,
COVID-19 Management Committee over the last two years – nd ways to impart it to the next generation”. is is the
ensuring that government SOPs are properly interpreted, reason why I’ve been in the education space for the longest
communicated, and implemented across the campus. Many time in my career.
hours were spent discussing the constantly changing rules from
the original lockdown, to the National Recovery Plan and Eleanor: “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before
encouraging vaccinations, as well as preparing the campus for us”. at we see our purpose in life as a marathon and run each
the current endemic phase. All in all, my role in preparing the step with strength, endurance, faith and hope. Rather than
COVID-19 Advisories (53 and counting!) to ensure a safe focus on the ups and downs in the short term, I try to focus on
university and college experience for all has been truly the long-term vision of why we do what we do, and how we
rewarding. can constantly learn from our failures and advance ahead with
Eleanor: Leafy vegetables are fragile and need tender loving
care. During the pandemic, our farms continued operating and Letchumy: “Success is made by many and not all by yourself.
DANIAL ABDUL our teams travelled to work daily. We are always on alert to Get to know your people well and use the right resources to get
RAHMAN monitor the health of our farms, and to ensure that our things done”. I learnt that I cannot do it all by myself and need
Director of Sunway Education vegetables are healthy and happy 24/7. Our next biggest to invest my time in getting to know the people within and
Group CEO’s o ce milestone would be to launch Sunway XFarms @ Sunway outside the organisation who can be a part of my success.
Tower, the largest indoor vertical farm in KLCC.
Letchumy: Keeping people on the same page when it comes to
decisions, alignment, goals, direction, culture, and team spirit.
It requires strong strategies to ensure the whole team is on What is your best management
board. I view this as a crucial part of my leadership, so I make
the e ort to be on the ground and take the necessary steps to decision? And your worst?
ensure it.
Danial: e best was the collective decision to allow students
with needs to access the campus during the various MCOs to
ensure learning continuity. is required essential sta to be
ELEANOR CHOONG present on campus to provide essential services. It was truly
What do you enjoy most Chief operating o cer How do you unwind after work inspiring to see it all come together in the end.
about your job? of Sunway XFarms or on the weekends? e worst was in a previous job, I had hired and trusted
someone who unfortunately abused their position for
Danial: Being able to work with a diverse team of talented Danial: Spending time with family, playing badminton or self-enrichment. Police reports were lodged, and it was an
individuals, meeting potential collaborators and partners, as going for a run. I am also passionate about my two cats, Ram unpleasant experience all round. It taught me to ensure better
well as supporting student development and growth. and Mo. My wife and I co-manage their Instagram account. due diligence when hiring, and that trust is a premium.
Do follow them @tuanramses, as it would make them happy!
Eleanor: I’ve spent years working with intangible digital Eleanor: Recruiting an amazing team was by far my best
products so I love the idea that as farmers, we get to use our Eleanor: As a mom of two young kids and two furkids, I don’t management decision to date. ey are humble, hardworking,
skills and time to literally sow seeds and see them come to life. exactly get to go home, turn on ‘airplane’ mode and call it a fun and 100% committed to their work, which brings out the
It’s ful lling to know that we are nourishing our customers day. My very colourful kids keep me busy in the evenings and best in each other.
with safe and fresh food, making an impact in the health and weekends, but they are my source of inspiration and in a way, My worst would probably include some of the decisions
wellbeing of our communities. Every minute spent on work is seeing them safe and happy is what I nd comfort in. I made during our rst year of launching Sunway XFarms.
a step closer towards improving food security in Malaysia. Letchumy: I enjoy cooking more elaborate meals for my family We were constantly exploring various products, business
Letchumy: I enjoy the versatility of being able to handle a Director of Information over the weekend and planning family trips. For my self-care, models and service options without a key vision and identity.
variety of digitalisation initiatives and working with various Technology Shared Services I nd time to exercise and spend time in solitude especially is stretched the team beyond their abilities without giving
businesses across Sunway. Besides being a part of the Group’s Centre at Sunway Group if I need to get a di erent perspective on things. It works well them su cient space and time to grow and thrive.
new digitalisation adoption, driving various IT projects from for me for a fresh start to the day or week. Letchumy: I decided that the best thing that I could do for
ideation to launch brings me great satisfaction, especially myself, and the company, was to delegate. I strive to empower
seeing businesses across Sunway bene t from the innovations, my subordinates so that I can focus on areas that matter most
and how it transforms users’ experience. Of course, it is a joy to in my current role.
work alongside collaborative and supportive leaders across the
Group. e worst decision was when I decided to swap out a person
whom I felt was not working very well on a project. I later
discovered that the same person performed tremendously in
another project. Had I invested a little time to guide and coach
the person at the right time, it would have made all the
di erence.
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