Page 51 - Berita Sunway - Issue 74
P. 51



 R aging wildfires, typhoons, and  flooding  – extreme weather   HEALTHY PLANET, HEALTHY PEOPLE    reimagine and rebuild.  e pre-pandemic
            “Every crisis is an opportunity to
 events are some of the effects of climate change that are
  e concept of planetary health, a term pioneered by  e

 occurring at unprecedented levels around the world and will
 only increase in severity and frequency as global temperatures rise.   Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health in   ‘normal’ was, and is, simply unsustainable
     e Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth   2015, recognises that human health and the health of our planet are   and ultimately toxic. We are simply living
 Assessment  Report  warns  that  unless greenhouse  gas  emissions  are   inextricably linked, and that the health human civilisation depends on   way beyond what Earth can realistically
 reduced in large-scale proportions, rapidly and immediately, it will be   flourishing natural systems and the wise stewardship of natural resources.   support,” she said.
 impossible for countries to cap global warming at 1.5°C or even 2°C      “Planetary health recognises the need to better manage our home –      Unlike the healthcare system’s capacity
 above pre-industrial levels.   planet Earth – its political, economic and social systems. It is the   that can be increased via adding hospital beds
     e dangers of ignoring the planet’s health ultimately boil down to   achievement of the highest attainable standard of health, wellbeing,   or recruiting more healthcare workers, Earth’s
 a question of human survival, according to Sunway Centre for   and equity worldwide that we should, and must, strive for,” said   capacity is non-negotiable.
 Planetary Health’s professor and executive director Tan Sri Dr.   Dr. Jemilah.      “Planetary boundaries – the limits of the
 Jemilah Mahmood.     Hospitals and the medical care system make up only a small part of   Earth’s resources - cannot be stretched and altered
    “Conversations on the climate crisis often depict a planet that   human health and longevity – the larger portion comes from   – they are finite.  It is we, the population of the
 desperately needs saving.  is is simply not true.  e planet will carry   community interventions beyond health – behaviour change, dietary   planet, that must rapidly adjust our expectations of
 on, perhaps a little battered by the damage we have caused. It is us, the   improvements, and social and environmental factors, she said.   what Earth can sustainably provide us,” she said.
 human race, that may not,” said Dr. Jemilah, who is also a trustee of      “Every sector that supports our existence is in some way a health
 the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation and former special advisor to the   sector,” she said.  PIONEERING PLANETARY HEALTH
 Malaysian prime minister on public health.      So why should we focus on planetary health during a global   IN THE REGION
    “ e planet  may  have  survived  dramatic  changes before  in  its   pandemic?
 history of over four billion years, and different life forms have evolved      Dr. Jemilah points out that human-led environmental destruction      As a relatively nascent concept globally, planetary health is only
 because of it. However, with the  current emergency, the clear and   such as deforestation and wildlife trafficking increases contact between   now starting to take root in Malaysia.  is is due to several challenges,
 present danger is that we human beings may not be able to ride out this   humans and wildlife, heightening the risk of zoonosis – disease that can   such as limited awareness, a lack of political knowledge and consequent
 crisis which is irrefutably of our own making,” she said.  be transmitted to humans from animals.   will and limited incentives to think and act differently, as well as
    “Large-scale infectious disease outbreaks are likely to become   governance systems that are poorly attuned to planetary health needs,
 more frequent as global warming releases viruses stored in permafrost   said Dr. Jemilah.
 ?  or polar ice shields or changes the behaviour of virus-carrying      “I think that the larger challenge for Malaysia lies in our collective
 ?  mosquitoes,” she said.  imagination  and  vision.  How  do  we  drive a  longer  term political,   EVERY ACTION COUNTS
    Normalising the planetary health approach will help build crisis   economic, and social vision, moving away from focusing on short term      True to the essence of planetary health, every single one of us has a
 preparedness capacities globally in a systematic manner, as well as   gains?” she said.   collective responsibility towards  the health of the environment and
 PREVENTING THE   encourage a crisis-preventive – rather than reactive – culture.  possesses the power to make a difference.
 NEXT PANDEMIC                                                       “It can start with a simple question – What is my individual carbon
                                                                  footprint and what can I do to inform myself and others to change
 “Planetary health recognises                                     that?” said Dr. Jemilah.
 the need to better manage our                                       “For some of us, it may be reducing our dependency on cars by taking
 home – planet Earth – its                                        public transportation or cycling; or striving for a low-waste lifestyle. For
 political, economic and social       e launch of the Sunway Centre for Planetary Health (SCPH) in   others, it is in starting conversations with personal networks and on social
                                                                  media to build influence or organise themselves for grassroots advocacy
 PRIORITY  systems. It is the achievement of   2021 is pivotal in getting the conversation on planetary health off the   and action,” she said.
 PROMOTING  TACKLING   the highest attainable standard of   ground here in Malaysia and across our region.       “And for all of us it’s about the personal choices we make about what
 FAIRER  THEMES  THE CLIMATE   health, wellbeing, and equity      Based in Sunway University, the Centre aims to advance planetary   we eat, what we wear, how we live. So, the next time you pick something
 ECONOMIES  EMERGENCY  worldwide that we should, and   health through education research by translating academic discourse   up to buy or consume, or click the Lazada “Buy Now” button, take a
 must, strive for.”   into easily accessible information and facilitating collaboration   second to ask yourself – is this good for me? Is it good for our planet?”
          between diverse stakeholders.                           she added.
             In its inaugural phase, SCPH will focus on Asia and the Pacific,      Walking the talk of planetary health, Dr. Jemilah changed to a
 Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah   regions that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and   pescatarian diet, grows her own vegetables at home and tracks her carbon
 Mahmood  other planetary health challenges.                      footprint via the Capture app on her mobile phone.
 Sunway Centre for      With the launch of the Centre, Sunway University aspires to      “I also hope that through the work of this Centre I can help to ignite
 Planetary Health’s professor   become the first planetary health-oriented university in the world,   broader knowledge and action.  e opportunities to contribute to the
 and executive director
          further strengthening Sunway’s commitment towards advancing the   protection of our planetary health are many – and each of us can play a
          United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.           role. Time is not on our side so the moment to get engaged and involved
 ACHIEVING   CREATING                                             is now,” she said.
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