On the leadership front, we are not without recognition as well. EXIM
Bank’s President/Chief Executive Officer was awarded with “Outstanding
Entrepreneurship Award” during the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award
in Malaysia (APEA), by Enterprise Asia, a non-governmental organisation for
entrepreneurship in the Asia Pacific. In its simplest form, the award meant
EXIM Bank development is well guided by a clear vision, persistence and
hard work, utilised to build the Bank to where it is today.
Moving forward to the next level, The Human Capital Management
Blueprint (2013-2015), a part of The Transformation Plan’s final phase was
introduced earlier in 2013 as reported previously. It details out various
key strategies with over 20 initiatives for implementations to take the
employees further to greater heights. The main objective of the Blueprint
is to accelerate business by developing a high performing team to deliver
calculated and sustainable growth. It is also a testament to the Bank’s
earnestness in providing opportunities for the employees to increase their
skill sets and competencies that drive performance and represent the
Bank’s brand and reputation.
During the year under review, the Bank continued with
its annual initiatives that include Health and Safety
Programmes in association with National institute
of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Birthday
Celebration trips, long-service awards, family days and
various sporting activities all year long organised by the
staff themselves through the sports club and eco club
covering climbing Mount Kinabalu and environmental
awareness programmes.
Mount Kinabalu Expedition
Basic Occupational First Aid and CPR Course
Excellent Student Ceremony 2013
Majlis Berkhatan
EXIM Bank Annual Report 2013