Dato’ Adissadikin bin Ali
President/Chief Executive Officer
agencies, as in the case with SMEs, construction
and ICT-based companies which are seen to be new
growth sectors for the Bank. This also mirrors the
country’s movement away from agro-based and
commodity-based sectors to service-oriented sectors.
While business acceleration had taken place, it did
not come at the expense of prudence as the Bank
continued to adhere meticulously to its principles for
sustainable growth, including quality asset growth and
risk mitigation. To ensure asset quality, only companies
that meet stringent requirements such as proven
performance and financial viability are taken on. To
mitigate risk, the Bank continues to diversify into new
markets and new economic sectors with high potential,
as well as to diversify our funding sources away from
short-term high-risk funding sources towards long-term
funding from international financial capital markets.
While we have expanded, our primary mission remains
the same: to assist export-oriented Malaysian companies
not only with their funding needs, but also to support
their endeavour through the promotion of advisory
services and risk mitigation tools such as trade credit
insurance which is still relatively unknown in Malaysia.
For the year under review, 2013, the Bank pushed forward in business
acceleration mode, well on track in terms of meeting growth and profitability
targets, while continuing to pursue sustainable growth, as guided by the new
business model introduced in 2011. With an overarching theme of improving
the Bank relevance and significance to the economy, the initiatives implemented
in 2013 have been largely successful in driving the Bank’s improved asset
quality, focus and overall performance, while propelling greater awareness and
recognition of the Bank as Malaysia’s premier global bank.
WhileMalaysianexporters faced a challenging year in2013withglobal uncertainty
representing a constant challenge, nevertheless, theMalaysian economy picked up
momentum with better economic performance overall. On the back of increased
business opportunities, the Bank disbursed a total of RM3.91 billion in loans as
well as RM1.9 billion in credit insurance coverage during the year under review.
EXIM Bank Annual Report 2013