importance of co-existing with the
local community where it operates.
Given this recognition, our people
at EXIM Bank are actively engaged
in a myriad of activities to address
appropriately the need of the
community. These activities cover
many sections of the community
including the less fortunate who
are often under represented or left
out altogether in the mainstream
of life, the unfortunate children
that are either sick, handicapped or
without parents, the needs of the
religions’ infrastructure development,
education, tragedies and natural
disasters, that we contribute in a
small meaningful way.
Fund for these philanthropic
contributions came from two
main sources namely EXIM Bank
corporate account and a special
charity account by EXIM Bank called
Mawaddah Account created under
its Islamic Banking philosophy.
A Working Committee chaired
by the Chief Operating Officer
looks into the distribution of
funds of the Mawaddah Account.
Beginning 2014, the committee
decided that the Account will be
audited annually and report to the
Shariah Committee.
EXIM Bank’s Charity Jumble Sale in collaboration with Tasputra Perkim, Pusat Majudiri Y for the
Deaf (YMCA) & Wisma Harapan (SAMH)
Annual Iftar with the children
EXIM Bank Annual Report 2013