3. Roles and Responsibilities
i) To propose and recommend to the Board the
remuneration policy and guidelines for the
Directors, P/CEO, COO, CFO, CBO, CRO and CCO
of EXIM Bank. The remuneration policy should:-
1) Be documented and approved by the Board
and any changes thereto should be subject
to the endorsement of the Board;
2) Be competitive and align to market to
ensure its sufficient to attract and retain
key talents within the organisation and the
need to manage the Bank successfully;
3) Be reflective of its accountability and job
descriptions in carrying out their duties as
senior management members of the Bank;
4) Be balanced against the need to ensure
that the funds of the Bank are not used to
subsidise excessive remuneration package
and to ensure that the remuneration are in
line with the current industry best practices.
ii) To propose or review and recommend to the
Board the specific remuneration packages
for Directors, P/CEO, COO, CFO, CBO, CRO
and CCO of EXIM Bank. The remuneration
packages should:-
1) Be based on an objective consideration and
approved by the Board;
2) Reflect the experience and level of
responsibility borne by individual Directors,
3) Take due consideration of the assessments
of the nominating committee of the
effectiveness and contribution of the
Director, P/CEO, COO, CFO, CBO, CRO and
CCO concerned;
4) Not be decided by the exercise of sole
discretion of any one individual or restricted
group of individual; and
5) Be competitive and is consistent with the
Bank’s culture, objective and strategy.
iii) To recommend to the Board with regards to the
payment guideline for staff bonus and annual
salary increment of the company.
EXIM Bank Annual Report 2013