In tandem with financial performance improvements,
FY2013 also witnessed operational improvements of
the Bank. As we continue to grow our business, focus
was aligned at actively reaching out to companies
with proven performance, which are ready to venture
overseas. The results of this targeted marketing
approach have been very encouraging.
In FY2013, while we have continued to intensify and
expand our business with existing large-scale clients
in our drive to build quality assets. The Bank have also
begun to innovate new products and services in a
move to attract diverse range of clients. For example,
our new Vendor Development Programmes are very
much relevant to SMEs in particular. As we continue to
mature and develop more capabilities, we are beginning
to take on more complex international projects. For
example, we have harnessed our cross-border funding
expertise and experience to offer international project
financing to companies with contracts in hand. We
have also partnered with other financial institutions in
international syndication projects. With our track record
in delivering infrastructure development projects in
Asia, we anticipate international syndication to be an
exciting and growing part of our business in future.
Even with our transformation plan well on track in
FY2013, we remain committed to our pursuit of
sustainable business and quality asset growth. In
FY2013 we have continued to review and refine our
4-pronged approach of transforming people, processes,
procedures and technology with commendable results.
We will thus continue to monitor our operations and
make any necessary adjustments to ensure effective and
efficient operations as we move to the next level.
On the back of improved financial and operational
performance and in light of the Bank’s sustained
growth trend, the Board of Directors has recommended
a final dividend of 0.8014 sen per ordinary share
on 2,708,665,284 ordinary shares, amounting to a
dividend payable of RM21,708,113
Successfully shedding our past image, we are excited
to witness EXIM Bank’s positive turn around and our
performance improvements going from strength to
strength. Our success has come despite a background
of uncertain economic prospects and challenges,
deepening our conviction that the resilience and
competitiveness we have built over the years now puts
us in a solid position to confront and manage future
challenges more systematically.
Looking to the future, the Bank will continue to build
on our achievements and drive future growth by
focusing efforts towards maintaining sustainable
business growth via improvements in operational
efficiency, risk management and asset quality. These
EXIM Bank Annual Report 2013